First job back after the Christmas break, this time at Ramgarhia Gurdwara Sikh temple in Leeds. There was a big festival taking place and the Yorkshire Air Ambulance fundraisers had a stall in the entrance hall selling goods and taking donations for their charity. I was there to capture some press and PR images for publicity purposes but, as a protrait photographer, I was captivated by the amount fo Sikh gentlemen with huge great beards and also by some of the women in traditional costume. So, after taking the press and PR images, I decided to ask one of the temple goers if I could take his portrait. The environment wasn’t ideal as there were no plain walls for a background and lots of clutter such as TV screens, bunting and people so I had to improvise and create a portrait using a single small speedlight. I achieved this by eliminating ambiemt light using a low ISO, high shutter and small aperture and then using a speedlight at 1/16th power to light the subject. I have to say I was pleased with the portrait and I knew I’d captured something special as soon as I’d taken the image. The first image shows where I took the image and then my favourite shot.
Yorkshire Air Ambulance: Sikh fundraiser
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