Steph and Holly came over to the studio for some headshots, so we did a quick 90mins and came up with some great images for their Facebook profiles.
Spent a couple of days shooting some very different images to my normal calendar style landscapes in the form of an LVIA commission. The images were commissioned as part of a landscape visual impact assessment for a major road development on the A57 near Todwick in South Yorkshire. I’ll not bore you with lots of...
2009 kicked off the wedding season early with Lindsay and Danny getting married at Holy Trinity Church, Rothwell followed by the reception at the nearby Oulton Hall. The weather was bitterly cold which meant most of the shooting was done indoors, but the venue had plenty of opportunities for using some creative off camera lighting....
An unexpected call to hit Chepstow to photograph Wyntour’s Leap for the Walk Britain book I’ve been shooting for saw me up at 5am and on the road. The weather was fabulous and the low winter sun made the images sparkle. Instead of showing a view from Wyntour’s Leap, here’s one of the Leap. Wyntour...
Did some dusk shooting today as a speculative gamble for a project that I’ve been invited to submit photo content to. More of this as/when/if it unfolds, but I did like this shot of Mercedes-Benz, Wakefield although it has to be viewed large to appreciate the detail. The key to this type of shot is...