Category Archives: Weddings

Bagden Hall wedding photography: Haley & David

Bagden Hall wedding photography | Bagden Hall wedding photographer WET, WET, WET! No, not the 80s group but the weather today for my Bagden Hall wedding photography with Haley and David! I have to say it’s the first wet wedding I’ve had in years and it never stopped all day until the wedding moved indoors for...

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Allerton Castle wedding photographer: Shaun and Julie

It must be at least two years ago since Shaun and Julie booked me as their Allerton Castle wedding photographer after meeting me at a Nostell Priory wedding fair and now it’s just three weeks to their wedding! Tonight I met up with them on their home patch near Huddersfield for a pre-wedding catch up...

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Cracoe Village Hall wedding: Clare & Jeff

Here are a few images from Clare and Jeff’s Cracoe Village Hall wedding reception in the Dales. Thankfully the weather held for us as I was desperate to make sure we had the hood down on the MGB for the photos and. although it was a bit overcast, we were able to get the car...

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wedding photographer Wentbridge House: Sharon & Steve

Wedding  photographer Wentbridge House: I first met Sharon a few years ago when I had just turned professional as a photographer and she came to my studio with her son Harley, Since then I have seen her regularly in the next village to me and also at one or two weddings where she had been...

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Rogerthorpe Manor wedding photographer

Rogerthorpe Manor wedding photographer: Today I was with Alex and Craig for their wedding at Rogerthorpe Manor near Pontefract and the weather was just perfect with high cloud and soft light. The morning began very sunny and bright, often not great conditions for photographing anything, never mind weddings, but by the time their ceremony had...

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Wakefield wedding photographer: Jeff & Claire

Much better day weather wise than yesterday for the meet up with Jeff and Claire ahead of their Dales wedding later this month. Claire is my niece and so this will be very much a family affair but fortunately I still get to stay behind the camera rather than in front of it :¬) Jeff...

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