studio lighting workshop
Just got back from a lighting workshop/demo to the portrait group of Newark Photographic Club who kindly invited me down after seeing my portfolio presentation at their camera club last December. I decided to keep things really simple and show some effects that could be achieved using a single light source, something anyone can do at home or on location quickly and easily with something as simple as a speedlight and shoot through brolly. This type of lighting lends itself nicely to conversion to mono.
When using studio flash, I have a custom white balance of 4760K which I find works well the the Nikon D4 but as you can see from the evolution montage, I forgot to set the white balance before shooting as I was busy explaing about the lighting! On auto WB, I find the D4 gives a yellow cast to the image when used with the Bowens 500 studio lights. In the shot you can see I corrected the white balance (which now looks red when converted to Web colour!!), then changed to black & white then finally used a warm tone on the image for the final shot.