Wakefield commercial photographer: Fox Valley Christmas Lights
Earlier today, I splashed out on a Pentax 645Z medium format digital camera so it seemed only right to test it on a commercial photography shoot at Fox Valley shopping outlet on behalf of Fizzco. It would be interesting to see how the 50mp Pentax files would stack up against my tried and trusted (and much loved) Nikon D810 with its 36mp sensor. I took all the Nikon gear with me just in case as it would have been foolish to go shoot for a client with a camera and owned for only a few hours without backup,. However, the Pentax was very intuitive and I felt at home with it straight away. The lenses seemed very sharp and the images on the back of the camera looked amazing! I did the entire shoot with the camera and couldn’t wait to get them onto the computer to have a look at them on a 24inch monitor. Lightroom’s handling of the files was a little disappointing and I needed to really work the RAW files to get them to be anything close to the back of the camera JPEGs but, once I’d done this, I was blown away by the detail! The last image below was taken well after dark under streetlighting, but there is just so much detail in the shadows and the brickwork that it seems unbelievable! I think I am going to like my new toy!