Wakefield headshots photographer: Portrait lighting demo

I think being a headshot photographer is one of the favourite parts of my job, I love the challenge of interacting and connecting with the subject, as well as getting creative with the lighting. Tonight, I was able to demo some of my techniques to Stocksbridge Photographic Society and what was really great was that they supplied a model that had never posed for the camera before. What’s great about this is that I get not only to demo the lighting, but to show how I intereact with the subject. The key to good portariture is communication and making the subject relaxed. It’s the one thing I think most non-portrait photographers struggle with. They tend to take a photo then start looking at it on the back of the camera and ignoring the subject. It’s really important to engage with your subject the whole way through the shoot. Here are a few images I took before letting the Stocksbiridge members loose on her. All the images of Briony are made using a single Nikon speedlight and a reflector! I made these images with the D5 but she has such amazing eyes and hair, I’d really like a rematch using the Pentax 645z :¬)

Wakefield headshot photographer
Wakefield headshot photographer
portrait photpgrapher WakefieldWakefield headshot photographer
portrait photpgrapher WakefieldWakefield headshot photographer
Wakefield portrait photographer
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