Waterton Park wedding photography | Wakefield wedding photographer

Waterton Park wedding photography | wedding photographer Waterton Park
Waterton park wedding photographer | wedding photography Waterton Park

What a difference a week makes! Last week’s Bagden Hall wedding photography we needed wellies and brollies and for this week’s Waterton Park wedding photography we needed factor 50 sunblock! Boy, was it hot! At least 30dg and no respite from the sun but it didn’t stop us getting some fabulous wedding photos in the grounds of the old hall. After the wedding breakfast and as the glare of the midday sun gave way to warm evening sunlight, we did some lovely shots on the lakeside against a stunning summer sky. Stacey and Neale are heading off to Florida to honeymoon so here are a few images for them to see before the go. At least they got a taste of the Florida sunshine in Wakefield today!

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Wakefield wedding photographer John Gardner producing high quality wedding photography at Waterton Park | Waterton Park wedding photographer | Waterton Park wedding photography | Bagden Hall wedding photography | West Yorkshire wedding photographer covering venues including Waterton Park, Bagden Hall, Nostell Priory, Ruddung Park, Wentbridge House Hotel and many more

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